Scarpone and Sons: The Roofing Superheroes of Lancaster County


When Shingles Go Rogue: Call in the Cavalry!

Ladies and gentlemen, gather ’round for a tale of epic proportions! In the heart of Lancaster County, where the corn grows tall and the Amish buggies roll, there exists a team of roofing superheroes known as Scarpone and Sons Inc. These caped crusaders of the construction world have been saving homeowners from leaky disasters since time immemorial (or at least since they got their contractor’s license).

The Origin Story

Legend has it that the first Scarpone was bitten by a radioactive roof tile, granting him supernatural abilities to detect even the tiniest of leaks and the strength to carry an entire bundle of shingles up a ladder with one hand. While we can’t confirm the validity of this tale, we can assure you that the Scarpone family has roofing in their blood (and sometimes on their clothes, in their hair, and under their fingernails).

The Scarpone Signal

When disaster strikes and your roof decides to retire without giving proper notice, fear not! Simply shine the Scarpone Signal into the sky (or, you know, give them a call), and faster than you can say “Is that covered by insurance?” they’ll be at your door, tools in hand and ready to save the day.

The Superpower of Local Knowledge

What sets Scarpone and Sons apart from other roofing companies? Their uncanny ability to navigate the treacherous terrain of Lancaster County, of course! They know every back road, shortcut, and cow pasture like the back of their calloused hands. This means they can get to your home faster than you can say “Shoo fly pie.”

The Villains They Face

Our heroes battle a rogues’ gallery of roofing nightmares, including:

  • The Leak Lurker: A sneaky foe that hides in the shadows, waiting to strike when you least expect it.
  • Captain Hailstorm: A formidable opponent who bombards roofs with icy projectiles.
  • The Gutter Goblin: A mischievous creature that clogs your gutters with leaves and debris.
  • Dr. Decay: A silent killer that slowly eats away at your roof’s integrity.

The Happy Ending

With Scarpone and Sons on the job, you can rest easy knowing that your roof is in capable hands. They’ll patch, repair, or replace your roof faster than you can say “How much is this going to cost me?” (Don’t worry, they offer competitive pricing and financing options!)

So, the next time you hear a suspicious drip or spot a shingle making a break for freedom, don’t panic! Just remember the roofing superheroes of Lancaster County: Scarpone and Sons Inc. They’re here to save the day, one roof at a time. And who knows? Maybe one day they’ll even get their own comic book series. “The Adventures of Roofman and Shingle Boy” has a nice ring to it, don’t you think?