The Tale of Michiana: From Not-So-Hot to Toasty Warm!


Once upon a time in the chilly lands of South Bend, IN, Granger, IN, Niles, MI, Edwardsburg, MI & Dowagiac, MI, there was a bit of a pickle. Homes were temperamental, flipping from a comfortable warm to a shiver-inducing cold at the drop of a hat. Things were going from ‘bearably warm’ to ‘wish-we-had-a-polar-bear’ real quick!

The citizens cried out in despair: “Oh, how we long for consistency in our heating!”

And lo and behold, Michiana heard their cries. They swooped in, not in sparkly superhero capes but with a reassuring smile and an arsenal of tools. They tamed the unruly fire beast (that’s ‘Heating Installation’ for you civilians), revived the weakened soldiers (otherwise known as ‘Service’), and healed the injured in battle (‘Repair’ in layman’s terms).

Today, as the citizens of these lands enjoy consistent, toasty warm homes, they remember the heroes from Michiana. They are the unsung superheroes battling unpredictable heating systems, ensuring we’re snug as bugs in a rug. So here’s to Michiana, making every day a little warmer, literally!